Walk Now for Autism Speaks 2015

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Walk Now for Autism Speaks 2015

We had a great time at the 2015 Walk Now for Autism Speaks! Thank you everyone who donated and volunteered at the event! Here are some of the great pictures we took on that day! We had such a great turnout and loved to see some familiar faces out there!



Our great staff at our resource fair booth

We arrived early, stayed late, and had fun during our time there!

Walk-Now-Autism-Speaks-2015-facepaint  Walk-Now-Autism-Speaks-booth-2015 Walk-Now-Autism-Speaks-face-paint  Walk-Now-Autism-Speaks-Resource-Fair

Even HEBuddy was there to spread laughter to all the kids!


And who could pass up a photo with Charlie the horse?


 Walk-Now-For-Autism-Speaks-Families Walk-Now-for-Autism-Speaks-kids

Thank you again for being a part of the 2015 Walk Now for Autism Speaks! We were able to raise a total of $8285 for the event, making us the top team to fundraise this year! Thank you to the lovely families and staff who worked hard to meet this goal!

By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Wednesday, September 30, 2015|