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The Ribbit Report – Strategies for Communication – April Newsletter!

ABA Therapy: Communication Throughout The Day

Here are five different means of communication that may be fitting when working with different children on functional communication. These are arranged in based on the least complicated methods at the top and more sophisticated methods toward the bottom. A speech-language pathologist will be able to determine which is the most appropriate method for each child:

Gestures & Body Language

This means that the child can use gestures and body language with the communicative partner to show what they want and/or how they are feeling.  This is the most basic form of communication and it should most definitely be acknowledged so that this child will know that they are not left completely without a means of communication.

Sign Language

Children who are unable to speak can often learn simple signs to communicate their basic wants and needs.  These will need to be taught to communicative partners in addition to the children.

Voice-Output Device

There are many devices out there that will help a child communicate by speaking a phrase or two when they push a picture/button on the screen.

Communication Board

A communication board is a simple alternative/augmentative communication (AAC) device where pictures of items are placed on a board and the child is asked to point to the picture of what he wants.

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

This is another alternative means of communication. With the PECS system, the child will select a picture and hand that picture to the communicative partner, allowing the child to express what they want via pictures.

Speech Therapy: What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

AAC refers to all forms of communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express wants, needs,   thoughts, and ideas.


Occupational Therapy: April’s Drills for Fantastic Skills!

By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Monday, April 11, 2016|