Reducing Maladaptive Behaviors

Reducing & Replacing Maladaptive Behaviors


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When focusing on behavior reduction a BCBA will first need to conclude the function of the maladaptive behavior. This can be done through a functional assessment/analysis that consists of consultations, observations, data collection and manipulation of environments. Once the functions of the behavior(s) have been determined a substitution for the maladaptive behaviors are trained as a functional replacement behaviors utilizing both practical and responsive strategies.

Inappropriate behavior is extinguished and replaced with appropriate behaviors.  It is vital that behavior management procedures be implemented regularly and with adequate repetition across the interdisciplinary team as a whole.  Effective behavior management requires team work from the entire team. This includes family, school and all other caregivers.

By |2017-01-13T10:53:21+00:00Tuesday, July 19, 2016|