Practice OT Exercises at Home with our December Tips!

Practice OT Exercises ast Home with our December Tips


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Theme: Winter/Snowmen and Friends/Family

Gross Motor: Balance beam
Crossing a balance beam is an excellent way to build core strength and increase balance and coordination.  Our kiddos love balance beam tasks! Using the beam within an obstacle course or as part of a multi step activity to carry pieces to the other side is a great way to engage children in this task.
Fine Motor: Tearing paper
This bimanual task increases fine motor coordination by utilizing both hands independently to perform the activity of tearing paper. By addressing this skill in simple tasks such as this one, it will increase overall performance in Fine Motor (cutting/handwriting) and Self Care (utensil use/applying toothpaste) tasks as these too require bimanual skills.
Self care: Desensitization and tolerance of fixing/brushing/cutting hair
In OT we build tolerance to these tasks by addressing the primary sense that is anxiety producing (ex. touch, auditory, visual, etc).  Using this sensory component we expose the child to this sensation in small degrees using demonstrations/videos and slowly increase the exposure time/depth of participation. We often pair these non preferred stimuli with reinforcing activities in order to gain participation.
Sensory: Adaptations for self regulation (sensory squeeze bags, fidgets, sensory motor breaks/sensory board)
We teach self regulation by first exposing our patients to novel socially acceptable sensory activities and then selecting a replacement activity for their preferred self stimulatory behavior.  By using these adaptations the patient can transition what they learn in OT to the school and home settings in order to maintain attention and decrease non preferred stimulatory behaviors.  The key is to assess the type of sensation they are seeking then provide breaks/opportunities using a similarly matched sensation (adaptation) in order for the child to initiate these adaptations on their own.
By |2017-01-13T10:26:33+00:00Monday, December 12, 2016|