Picnic Activities for Sensory Development

Picnic Activities for Sensory Development


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Older Kids

Have them help you plant seeds to make a vegetable garden or a herb garden (this can easily be done in a larger pot). You can plan out the areas where the seeds need to be planted. You can also incorporate watering the plants as a chore to give your child more responsibility.

Younger Kids

Before your picnic, watch a video (link below) that demonstrates planting a seed and watching the plant grow. You also might need to provide more hand over hand assistance when planting the seed.  Sometimes planting a seed can be an abstract concept because there is no immediate product. Therefore, instead of planting a seed, help your child to plant a flower in a flowerpot.

Fine Motor Challenges

While planting the seeds into the ground, model dropping the seeds with one hand by transferring the seeds individually from the palm of your hand to your fingertips.

By |2017-04-14T10:43:38+00:00Friday, April 14, 2017|