The Ribbit Report – March Pediatric Newsletter!

March Pediatric Newsletter

ABA Therapy: Promoting Independent Living

Visual Schedule

This is a schedule made out of pictures and the pictures show the stages of a task. Schedules can be helpful because:

  • It provides tools that allow the individual to use skills in a variety of settings.
  • It can increase the individual’s flexibility.
  • It helps the individual remain calm and reduces inappropriate behaviors.
  • It helps the individual to develop independence and resulting self-esteem.

Work System

A work system is a form of structured teaching that allows individuals to maintain previously learned skills in an organized space.

  • It supports visual learning strengths.
  • It minimizes the number of distractions.
  • It decreases the need for adult prompting, supporting independent functioning.
  • Workbooks or folder games appropriate for the child’s understanding are great examples of work systems.

Backwards Chaining

This technique helps a person learn skills in reverse order. The child is taught the the last step first. Once this step is mastered, the next step is taught and then mastered. This process is continued until all steps in the task are mastered. For example, teaching a child to complete a puzzle might be easier with this technique. Backwards chaining is likely to increase a child’s motivation and confidence because it provides instant success.

Speech Therapy: How Do I Start a Visual Schedule?


Occupational Therapy: March’s Drills for Fantastic Skills!

By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Monday, March 7, 2016|