Levels of Play

Levels of Play


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Here are different levels of play :

Solitary Play.  Play, without regard to the involvement of other children in the room or playground. A child may build a tower with blocks, yet be oblivious to other nearby children.

Character Play. As the child plays, they observe other children in the same area. Often this child will begin to model their play on another child. After watching another child, they may alter their own play. Even though they may appear to show little interest, they are observing others.

Parallel Play. A form of play where several children are playing with the same materials, but each is playing separately: Using puzzles, for example. They may converse with others, but work independently. If one leaves the group, the play continues.

Associative PlayPlay in which a loosely organized game is decided upon. For example, children may run around the room, pretending to be airplanes. There are no definite rules or roles. If one child decides not to play, the others continue. 

Cooperative Play. Play in which children assume assigned roles and depend on others for achieving the goals of the play. For instance, if children want to play “house,” they need others to participate in the roles of one or more parents and several children. If one of the key players decided to drop out, the play episode will end. 

Parents and teachers have numerous opportunities throughout the day to help babies, toddlers and preschoolers develop social skills while doing routine work.

By |2017-01-13T10:53:49+00:00Friday, July 29, 2016|