Happy Valentine’s Day from First Leap! – Valentine’s Day Autism Tips & Crafts!

Happy Valentine’s Day from First Leap – Enjoy These Valentine’s Day Autism Tips & Crafts!

We would like to wish you and your loved ones a great Valentine’s Day!

Traverse this chocolate-packed holiday with these simple Valentine’s Day autism tips!

Valentine’s Day Autism Tips

Valentine’s Day Autism Tip # 1: Barter for a win-win deal! Trade your child some of their valentine’s Day candy for a toy or a trip to their favorite spot. Not only do they get to enjoy their Valentine’s Day but they also can avoid eating unhealthy levels of sugar while doing it!

Valentine’s Day Autism Tip #2: Teach your child to be a book-worm! Social stories and books about this holiday can help your child understand this holiday and it can help then learn the expected behaviors for specific events!

Valentine’s Day Autism Tip #3: Ref the trades! Help your child ask for items them would like more from friends or siblings to practice sharing and requesting during this busy time!


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Check out these crafts below for some fun activities for your kids (and for yourself too!).

By |2017-02-01T12:51:06+00:00Friday, January 29, 2016|