Happy Holidays from First Leap! – Holiday Autism Tips & Crafts!

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Happy Holidays from First Leap! – Holiday Autism Tips & Crafts!

Happy Holidays from First Leap – Enjoy These Holiday Autism Tips & Crafts!

All of us at First Leap wish you a great holiday break!

Parents: We’ll be closed from the 23rd of December until the 2nd of January.

Have no fear! Here are a few holiday autism tips to hold you over through this chilly weather!

Holiday Autism Tips

Holiday Autism Tip # 1: Create a home base! Your child may feel more comfortable during the holidays if they have a quiet or safe spot they can retire to if people begin to feel overwhelming!

Holiday Autism Tip #2: Stay ahead of the game! Inform relatives and friends about your child’s preferences and behaviors before you gather together. Preparation can make all the difference!

Holiday Autism Tip #3: Read social stories about the holidays to your child! These stories can be a great way to teach a child what type of events and people they might interact with during the holidays!

happy holiday autism tips & crafts

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Check out these crafts below for some fun activities for your kids (and for yourself too!).

By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Tuesday, December 22, 2015|