Happy Halloween from First Leap! – Halloween Autism Tips & Crafts!

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Happy Halloween from First Leap! – Halloween Autism Tips & Crafts!

Happy Halloween from First Leap! – Halloween Autism Tips & Crafts!

First Leap wishes everyone a happy Halloween! Here are some Halloween autism tips to help your little one during this exciting and overwhelming time!

Halloween Autism Tips!

Don’t break the diet! If you would like your child to stick to a healthier diet this Halloween, trade them their candy for a toy or a trip to a favorite spot in town!

If your child does not like their costume, don’t make them wear it. Instead, talk about the situation with your child and try to uncover the reason why they don’t like it. After you talk with your child, they may gradually get used to the costume. Have them wear it for short periods of time and at increasing intervals over time.

Create a visual story of what Halloween may be like for your child, with some pictures or drawings. This will help your child prepare for the day’s activities.

halloween autism 2015

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Check out these crafts below for some fun activities for your kids (and for yourself too!).



By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Friday, October 30, 2015|