Happy Father’s Day from First Leap! – Father’s Day Autism Tips & Games!

Happy Father’s Day from First Leap – Enjoy These Father’s Day Autism Tips & Games!

First Leap sends their best wishes this Father’s Day!

Here’s some Father’s Day autism tips to make this day easier and more fun for HIM and your little one.

Father’s Day Autism Tips

Father’s Day Autism Tip # 1: Throw the old pig skin around for a bit! Physical play is a great way to play with your kid and to teach them back and forth play with adults and peers!

Father’s Day Autism Tip #2: Include everyone on the game plan for the day! Make a visual schedule at the beginning of the day to help your kids see what the day will look like and what they need to do to prepare for it!

Father’s Day Autism Tip #3: Don’t be afraid to use your timeouts! Kids on the autism spectrum may find this different day harder and may need more break to manage with the change in their routine.


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Check out these crafts below for some fun activities for your kids (and for yourself too!).

By |2016-11-11T20:46:06+00:00Tuesday, June 14, 2016|