Eric Carle Activities for Fine Motor Skills!

Eric Carle Activities for Fine Motor Skills!


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Older Kids

Present it as an independent work task by showing them a completed model and having them replicate.  This is also an excellent activity to have them collect needed supplies for the task in order to address problem solving skills.

Younger Kids

Provide hand over hand assistance to complete the dot to dot and then allow them to color the image in order to increase coloring endurance. Coloring tasks are great for practicing age appropriate grasps. Be sure to monitor closely the way the child grasps; they may hold writing utensil incorrectly after a few moments!

Coloring Challenges

Try coloring in all the white spaces or set the standard to color inside the lines. Again, don’t forget the visual models (examples of how the picture should look completed help a lot)!

Cutting Challenges

Turn this activity into a cutting challenge! Remember though: straight lines are easier to cut than curves and fat lines are easier to cut than skinny lines (a marker line versus a pencil out line). Being aware of this and looking out for when cild cut can make a difference!

By |2017-01-31T10:51:42+00:00Wednesday, January 11, 2017|Tags: |