Behavior Management in Speech Therapy

Behavior Management in Speech Therapy


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Behavior Management in Speech Therapy

A significant portion of work with children in therapy involves successful management of a number of behavioral difficulties, which often interfere with successful objective completion and goal attainment. Some suggestions for improving behavior involve changing the environment to best suit the child’s needs. Parents can use these therapy modifications at home! These can include :

Modifying Physical Space : Place items out of reach, eliminate visual and auditory distractions, and arrange the work space so that the child is seated close to you.

Session Structure Modifications: Use of picture schedules, written schedules, positive praise, and timers can aid in producing a structured and productive work session for both therapists and parents.  Allowing a few minutes for sensory breaks can also be incorporated.

Materials Selection: This involves making sure that the toys, books, and items you are using with a child are appropriate.  Take a look at the following aspects when making choices on what materials to use.

By |2017-01-13T10:53:28+00:00Tuesday, July 19, 2016|