Get Ready For School with First Leap! – Back to School Autism Tips & Crafts!

Happy Back To School from First Leap – Enjoy These Back to School Autism Tips & Crafts!

First Leap wishes you a smooth Back to School transition for you and your loved ones!

Check out these Back To School autism tips and learn a thing or two on how to facilitate this hectic change for everyone involved!

Back To School Autism Tips

Back To School Autism Tip # 1: Slow and steady win the race! Ease your child into school by exposing him/her to the new environment, new faces, and schedule changes by slowly introducing them! For example, ask your school if you can take a tour of the school before school starts in order to get your child acquainted with the novel parts of his/her life! Or perhaps try doing a practice school day to figure out which  parts of the routine will be more challenging than others!

Back To School Autism Tip #2: Do the prep work beforehand! Use a little extra of your free time to prep meals, clothes, etc. to make the first week of school easier on you!

Back To School Autism Tip #3: Don’t be so hard on yourself! Transition week is hard. That’s just a fact of life. Try to make your best effort to adhere to your plan but if something fails, don’t fret! It’s important to accept and learn from the failures in order succeed later!


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These 3 DIY projects will help you organize your life during this crazy time!

By |2017-01-13T10:39:09+00:00Monday, August 1, 2016|