Importance of Parent Training

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Importance of Parent Training

Parent Training for Parents of Children with Autism

Parents! Did you know that parent training (specifically behavior management strategies training) can help reduce disruptive behaviors in children with autism? According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA):

For children with autism spectrum disorder, a 24-week parent training program was superior to parent education for reducing disruptive behavior on parent-reported outcomes, although the clinical significance of the improvement is unclear. The rate of positive response judged by a blinded clinician was greater for parent training vs parent education.

In other words, parents that received training that pertained to behavior intervention, such as strategies or procedures, were more likely to show improvement with behavior reduction. It is worth noting that the sample was compared to a group that received no strategies for behavior management, but instead received education regarding this type of intervention.

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By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Sunday, January 10, 2016|