August Occupational Therapy Tips

August Occupational Therapy Tips


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August Occupational Therapy Exercises

Gross Motor: Ball skills (dribbling, catching, throwing).

Ball skills are good functional age appropriate play skill. They require body coordination, visual motor skills, as well as grading of force/pressure.

Fine Motor: Paper clips.

This bimanual task is an excellent fine motor activity because it requires that the individual use both hands to complete the job. Each hand performs a different skill, one stabilizes while the other manipulates the object. Bimanual skills are required for handwriting, cutting, and many self care activities as well.

Self care: Scooting chair up to table, when seated.

Maintaining proper sitting posture (sitting up straight in chair, feet on floor, head up) will increase the ability to perform fine motor and table top task (eating and leisure activities). This is also an excellent skill to practice in order to ready your child for school.

Sensory: Tolerating vacuum noise.

Many children we work with are sensitive to loud noises and are bothered by ordinary household sounds. By creating alternative strategies and working to increase tolerance of these noises it will help your child appropriately integrate this auditory stimuli.

By |2017-01-13T10:52:49+00:00Friday, July 29, 2016|