Sensory-seeking vs. Attention-seeking Behaviors

Sensory-seeking vs. Attention-seeking Behaviors


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How do you tell if your child is engaging in sensory seeking or attention seeking behaviors?

Sensory processing the way that our brain observes, analyzes, and responds to sensory input from and through all of our senses. A child can be either over responsive or under responsive to the sensations that their body is taking in from observing the environment.

If a child is over-responsive to sensory input, they may experience sensory processing sensitivity and misinterpret average sensory input as life threatening. This can cause them to feel fear, anxiety, or distress, causing them to either retreat or become self-protective in reactions and responses.

If a child is under-responsive, their central nervous system observes sensation input less vividly than others, causing them to seek sensory input. When a child is seeking input, they may frequently touch items or put items in their mouth, and/or they may always be in motion.

A behavior is any action or response an individual makes.  Attention-seeking behaviors are behaviors based on past actions that brings a perceived benefit. Children learn to sulk, stomp, and scream in hopes of eliciting a desired action or response from their parents/guardians/peers.  This is an intentional decision to behave in a certain way that is within one’s control. If your child is displaying attention-seeking behaviors, it is important to try to provide attention as much as possible prior to the behaviors, as opposed to in reaction to the behavioral problems.


To learn more, please check out these articles! or-behavior/

http://www.child-behavior- behavior.html

By |2017-01-13T10:26:59+00:00Tuesday, November 1, 2016|