Age-Appropriate Skills for Children with Autism

Age-Appropriate Skills for Children with Autism


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Understanding which skills and behaviors are ageappropriate for autistic children is very important. It helps family members understand which games and toys the kids will enjoy playing with and understanding that, can be significant treatment tool to further physical and mental development. The following information covering age appropriate behaviors and skills was medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines, MD.

Autistic Infants and Toddlers (Ages 0-2) are looking for activities that engage their senses and require physical interaction; such as: balls, ride-on-toys, blocks, stacking toys, and bubbles. These toys support tactile awareness, can be visually stimulating, and encourage them to use their imagination.

For the autistic preschoolers (Ages 2-4). These kiddos are more physically developed and are looking for activities that require them to be more physically engaged and independent. Some activity ideas for this age are tricycles with a push handle, draw-and-erase boards, simple crafts, stuffed animals and dolls, simple puzzles, and musical toys.

Autistic Grade-School Children (Ages 5 and up) are ready for more advanced toys that may include cause and effect and having to take turns. Some ideas for the advanced activities would be keyboard games, board games, art activities, and playing on slides, swings, and other physical ageappropriate play equipment.


McCoy, Krisha. “Toys and Games for Children With Autism.” Everyday Health Media, LLC, 12 Jan. 2010. Web. 20 Jan. 2016.

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