ABA Tips for Better School-Home Communication

ABA Tips for Better School-Home Communication


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School-home communication is very important for all children. Having a child with special needs can make the connection more challenging since the child may have a harder time communicating with their parents about what happened that day at school. That is why it is helpful to have a communication system that is easy and quick to use for both the parent and teacher. Here are some helpful tips on how to create an effective communication system:

School-Home Communication Tip #1. At the beginning of the school year, the teacher and parent should discuss and decide on a communication method that works for all parties.

School-Home Communication Tip #2. Some find that a communication journal or daily visual letters can be efficient and beneficial modes of communication for both the teacher and the parents.

School-Home Communication Tip #3. It is important that the communication goes both ways. So, as a parent, do not hesitate to ask the teacher or provide feedback/comments for the teacher.

By |2017-01-13T10:38:40+00:00Monday, August 29, 2016|