5 Autism ABA Tips for Adjusting for the Upcoming Season

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5 Autism ABA Tips for Adjusting for the Upcoming Season

5 Autism ABA Tips for Adjusting for the Upcoming Season


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Since a person with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) thrives on being in a familiar environment with routine and structure, it can make breaks from their accustomed daily/weekly schedules. With the holiday break coming up, we thought it’d be a good time to share some tips on how to help your family’s transition into break go smoothly as possible.

  • Do your best to maintain the current day to day structure and routine.
  • Talk about the change ahead of time.
  • Try to keep schedules as consistent as possible throughout the break.
  • Listen to Your Child
  • Help your child create a holiday structure of his own
  • Create Holiday Traditions
By |2017-01-31T10:55:23+00:00Tuesday, December 13, 2016|Tags: |