3 Tips for Promoting Independence in Daily Living for Kids with Autism

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3 Tips for Promoting Independence in Daily Living for Kids with Autism

3 Tips for Promoting Independence in Daily Living for Kids with Autism

3 tips for promoting independent living for kids with autism

#1: Set SMART Goals To Improve Child Routines

set SMART goals for kids with autism

We ALL have something that we have talked a lot about doing but never transitioned to action. Let’s change that this year. Try asking yourself, “What routines can we practice everyday and how can we make it happen? Is this achievable? By when can we accomplish this?” Maybe consider putting these goals down somewhere you can see them everyday.

#2: Sometimes Less Perfect Is More Ideal

The goal of providing assistance should be to teach skills, not to do for a child what it is age appropriate for him to do for himself. Any intervention designed to help should also include plans for teaching the missing skill and decreasing the assistance for kids with autism.

teach your child with autism to learn tasks and to do them independently

#3: Track and Celebrate Your Milestones!

Make sure to celebrate progress! Provide reinforcement for more independent responses and  give praise that is behavior-specific, such as, “Good job for cleaning up!”

Consider using a star chart or other reward systems for your child to provide them with a tangible form of reinforcement. This can make it easier for kids with autism to track their progress!

kids with autism benefit from token economies

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By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Monday, January 11, 2016|