Monthly Archives: January 2016

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Happy Valentine’s Day from First Leap! – Valentine’s Day Autism Tips & Crafts!

Happy Valentine's Day from First Leap - Enjoy These Valentine's Day Autism Tips & Crafts! We would like to wish you and your loved ones a great Valentine's Day! Traverse this chocolate-packed holiday with these simple Valentine's Day autism tips! Valentine's Day Autism Tips Valentine's Day Autism Tip # 1: Barter for a win-win deal! Trade your child some of [...]

By |2017-02-01T12:51:06+00:00Friday, January 29, 2016|

3 Tips for Promoting Independence in Daily Living for Kids with Autism

3 Tips for Promoting Independence in Daily Living for Kids with Autism #1: Set SMART Goals To Improve Child Routines We ALL have something that we have talked a lot about doing but never transitioned to action. Let's change that this year. Try asking yourself, "What routines can we practice everyday and how [...]

By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Monday, January 11, 2016|

Importance of Parent Training

Parent Training for Parents of Children with Autism Parents! Did you know that parent training (specifically behavior management strategies training) can help reduce disruptive behaviors in children with autism? According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA): For children with autism spectrum disorder, a 24-week parent training program was superior to parent education for reducing [...]

By |2016-11-11T20:46:07+00:00Sunday, January 10, 2016|